
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful for fluffy buns

Oh my gosh! It's already November 23 and I've got so much to do I'm going crazy! I still have to shop for my part of the Thanksgiving dinner and do the cooking tomorrow and go over and see if I can help my daughter-in-law. Oh, yes, and I really need to sit down and figure a way to eat all this amazing food without putting on the 25 pounds I recently lost, and... stop. Stop! STOP!!!

Whew. It's never ending, is it? I started winding up about a week ago when I realized I was trying so hard to find ways to keep off the weight. On my way to work as I obsessed about how I could accomplish the impossible, the universe thumped me on the head. Soundly.

I have the LUXURY of worry about weight gain. There are those in this big country of America who will go to bed hungry tonight. When I start stressing over the utility bills and how I'm going to juggle paying for my cable, phone and computer bills, I need to back off and realize the number of people happy just to have lights.

I have a very old Saturn station wagon I call the "mom" car that recently underwent a little bit of work so it would continue to run. I was fortunate enough to have a very best friend who loaned me the money to get me on my feet. Not everyone is so blessed.

Best of all--about a dozen years ago, a wonderful trio of far-sighted, progressive women read the manuscript of my first novel and offered me a contract to pursue my passion of writing. Thirteen books later, I can't begin to thank them enough.

I know we'll all miss our mentor and biggest cheerleader, Lorraine Stephens. A special thanks to her family and best wishes for the holidays.

From my comfy warm couch, in front of my working television, I'm very thankful for all I do have. I hope all of you will enjoy a wonderous day with your family; be they four-footed and furry or two-footed and furry.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful Wingies!

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